Men's Soccer Association

Mens Soccer Association(图1)

          On November 27, formally established in Foshan ceramic tile co ceramic tile Football Association. From then on, from Foshan ceramic enterprises of a member of the football family more.

    "This is people giving me strength, 5,000 years and positive, I use fire and build strong, how many brands I grew up with. "This is the first song of the ceramics, China Foshan hard with how much blood men and women, along with the brand's growth and glory. Foshan ceramic tiles limited since its inception in 2005, has kept a low profile. This and his associated product category: focuses primarily on mosaics and antique tiles, mosaics and larger as a share of customer groups, foreign customers than domestic, typical wall flower incense outside the walls. Tiles with particular emphasis on product innovation and quality, mosaics, tile is the only foreign designers with a professional company.

    In recent years, by various effect, overall market by has must of impact, building materials market "winter" comes, many enterprise shouted days sad, market of atrophy, and competition of increased and products of serious with quality of, put enterprise are push to has a very severe of point, also is in such severe of situation Xia, a enterprise of innovation capacity and strategy vision to real of reflected out, tile Qu associate market opportunities, to health environmental of concept, and fine designed of market technology, First 2cm in the world of outdoor environmental full-bodied porcelain tile, fully replace outdoor stone.

    "Wind, rain, tears, fault, remember what" football team of laughter and tears is a crystallization of the short fight, for the young, the spirit of football is already deeply integrated into the usual dots. The Football Association is an amateur, but his spirit is not free. It will, over time, continue to exert a subtle influence.

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